We prayed for money to rain from heaven and it has!!!!!!
We took the leap of faith and God caught us!!!!!!
This afternoon someone (who wishes to remain anonymous for the present) let us know that God has put in their heart to pay for all the adoption expenses that are not yet covered. WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW!!! I'm stunned! Overwhelmed! Thrilled! RELIEVED!!
Let me back up a bit......
This weekend I had a bit of a "stress out." More like a "mini stress out." See, we looked at the budget in depth to figure out exactly how we could afford the extra expense of the Guatemalan adoption. After looking at the numbers I had to fight these doubts. Did we make a mistake? Are we doing the right thing? We talked about it and both felt we are on the right path. We realized that we were going to have to tighten our belts quite a bit.
We had already seen God work through some very dear friends of ours to provide a good chunk of the funds by committing the proceeds of a car sale to our adoption! Our faith was built and we prayed. We felt that God was going to provide more money somehow but we knew we needed to be prepared.
So we went through our budget and SLASHED! SLASHED! SLASHED! It was a little hard for me to let go of some of the stuff but I realized that those things shouldn't be an idol to me. They shouldn't be so important that I won't let them go at any given moment. So in my heart I did let them go..... We decided we would cut gym membership, vacation savings for next year, 1 of the cell phones, and much much more!!
I was totally at peace with our decision and was planning to start all the cuts this month.
This morning was my women's bible study. I love going! We are studying the Proverbs 31 woman. I have gotten so much out of it! So anyway for some reason I kept thinking I shouldn't go this morning. I just felt weird like I wanted to stay home. Which is strange because I haven't missed all semester! I called my leader and she said I had to be there!!! Then the co-leader called and said she thought maybe I should come too. Then Wendi (co bible studier) said maybe I should drive that way and see how I felt. I was thinking, "Okay FINE I'll go!"
Well long story short, we were talking about generosity and having faith that God will provide for our needs. I ended up pouring out a story I remembered about my mother's faith in giving generously when she had almost NOTHING to give and how God provided abundantly for her. I bawled my eyes out and shared with them our struggle to walk in that same faith that God would provide for us. Right there that whole group of amazing women stopped and prayed for us! Prayed for God's provision!!! Prayed for our faith to be strong. Prayed for our baby girl in Guatemala.
2 hours later I recieved a call saying the adoption is PAID IN FULL!!!! Hmmmmm...... I wonder if God answers prayer????
Philippians 4
4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.