Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments and e-mails. We feel so blessed to have so much support. I apologize if I don't get back to everyone right away. I love reading them though!
We had a wonderful day today with our little Mirna. She is a joy! She went to bed with no problems. She said she wanted to sleep in the bed by herself. She crashed till 10 am. She only woke up then because we started getting louder so she would get up and get ready for the zoo.
She woke up very happy. She got in the bath and said that it was hot. She looked surprised. I asked her if she wanted it colder. She said no no it's good! She loved that bath!! Kept pouring the water over her head over and over. She scrubbed her hair with shampoo but seemed confused about the conditioner. I told her it was to make her hair pretty because I couldn't think of the word for soft. Then she ran to put on her outfit. She had carefully chosen it the night before! She also wanted her hair fixed with clips, two rings, a necklace and her hot pink sunglasses!! She LOVES those sunglasses. She also got her purse and put all her little things in it.
Then we met the foster mother in the lobby and took some pictures. Mirna is a complete ham and LOVES to have her picture taken. YOU KNOW I LOVE THAT!! Today was so busy that I didn't get to take many good pictures but tommorrow we are having a relaxed day at the hotel. I'll load on the pictures I have tonight.
After picture time it was off to the zoo!! Mirna seemed to love it. It was a very pretty little zoo. Mirna was so sweet and wanted to hold Daddy or Mommy's hand all day long!! She is such a daddy's girl already. She seemed a little scared of a few animals but had a wonderful time. She wanted to wear her jean jacket even though it was warm because she said she was very pretty in it. I also overheard Mirna tell her foster mother that her daddy is muy guapo- very handsome! Awww so sweet! Daddy is just as sold on Mirna. Today I saw proof that she is his daughter as they ate off the same plate. If you know Russ you know that he doesn't eat after anyone but me, Kaitlyn and now Mirna!
After that we went to the "mall." Which was small but nice. We ate at McDonald's and had to go buy some shoes. I felt so bad because I forgot the tennis shoes that her Nonny bought her. So sorry Nonny. I will bring the other shoes to her in February. I think it turned out to be good because she loved picking out her own shoes. She picked out the kind that light up in the back. We also picked out some white dress shoes because she looked very concerned that we had a white and red Christmas dress but no white shoes!! We also got some shoes for her foster mother's 5 year old boy. Mirna was so excited about her shoes. She kept staring at them and saying I like my white shoes. Thank you for my white shoes.
When we returned to the hotel our translator was there. I had Russ take the kids on a little tour of the hotel and I asked the translator and foster mother a LOT of questions about Mirna. What we found out was mostly what I expected but a little worse. Her conditions were so difficult. She was living in what was most likely a corregated tin house- no electricity, no running water and very little to live on.
Her mother worked every single day washing clothes in the river to make a living. She was not able to spend much time with Mirna. I also asked them about a sizeable scar on Mirna's ankle. They said she recieved an injury during the hurricane that hit her village. She then had to wade through dirty water containing dead animals and it got infected.
At this point her birth mother brought her into foster care. They treated it but it left a scar. The foster mother met the birth mother only one time. She said that she heard the birth mother tell Mirna not to worry. She would be here for awhile then parents from the United States would come and get her. Sweet brave girl.
I thank the Lord for bringing her to us. The foster mother said Mirna is so precious and almost always obedient. She is very happy and helpful. She says that when she is upset she will go lay on her bed and cry for awhile. The foster mother said she is very open about what her life was like before and how she feels about it. This is good news.
After the foster mother went home the translator, Alex came to our room for awhile. We tried to have him talk to her but she wouldn't talk to him. She is very reserved with strangers, especially men. Our translator explained that in his culture men are not often kind or bonded to their little girls. He also explained that children are taught to be very cautious and aware of what is around them when they grow up in the villages (which are poor and often dangerous.)
It is hard to explain how this little 6 year old can be so completely innocent and sweet yet sassy and street smart at the same time. Yet that is what she is. Precious and a bit too wise for her age. When she walks down a street she looks around her as if checking things out. She uses sarcasm and humor as a defense with strangers but means every word. Our translator (who is a strange man to her) asked her a question and she giggled so sweetly and said, "Why would I talk to you. You are a man." He just laughed and said this is what he would expect until she knows him better. He is wonderful and so patient with her. When he is gone she says she likes him. Arggg.
The weird thing is she'll answer me or her Daddy. She seems to already trust Russ. I wonder if it's because he looks different from the men she has known. We will have work to do in helping her realize she is in a safe environment. Yet already it seems she feels safe with us and with her foster mother.
She also has a GREAT sense of humor. While the translator was here she told Russ she wanted to wrestle again. She kept telling him, " Ay vas aver" which apparently is like saying to your kids "I'm coming to get you!" It means "Oh you will see!" She was laughing and laughing. He said to her, "Okay but I'll win." Then she looked at him as sassy and cute as can be and said in spanish, "Bring it on!" We laughed so hard. I'm not sure who won but they had fun. Our translator felt she was doing really great in her bonding.
Other news- we found out that Mirna has been told about the DNA testing next week. She knows she will see her birth mother. They also said we may give a gift and pictures to the agency to give to the birth mother. YEAH! We will get at least one picture of her birth mother but are waiting to find out if we can give them a disposable camera to take more pictures of her.
We have also requested that she go to a special doctor's visit because of her exposure to debris in the hurricane. They are making an appointment. The doctor will do a thorough check up to make sure there are no problems.
On the home front- Kaitlyn is doing well. She decided she wanted to use the potty. (Of course when I'm not there!) Then she wanted to wear panties. Polka Dot let her wear panties as a reward. Later Kaitlyn pee peed on the kitchen floor and called my mom to help. My mom slipped and fell hard!! A couple of hours later my mom's friend came in and Kaitlyn said, "Polka Dot hurt her back cause slipped on my pee pee!!" Oh my goodness! That girl. She is a hoot. The two of these girls together should be hilarious.
Well right now Daddy and Mirna are doing the Barbie puzzle together for the 5th time I think. If I had known she would love puzzles so much I would have bought more. Russ may go to the store to get more tommorrow. They are also watching Veggie Tales en Espanol. She loved the dancing cucumber song. You Veggie Tales people know what I'm talking about right? Escuchen el papino, como un Leon.....
Tommorrow we will rest and hang out here. Take pictures I hope.
:0) Angel
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