My Dearest Mirna,
This is your mommy from the United States of America. I have so many things that I want to say that it is hard to know where to start.
First I would like to say that I think you are a very special and brave girl. When I see your picture it always makes me happy. You have such a wonderful smile. I show your picture to all of our family and friends. They all think that you are so beautiful and that your smile is so sweet! I can see from the twinkle in your eye that you are lots of fun too.
Your daddy and I are coming to visit you soon. We will come Dec. 26th. I bet your foster mommy will help you to know when we are coming. I am so excited to meet you. I know that we will have lots of fun together. We will play games and watch shows and go swimming in the pool.
I only speak a little bit of Spanish. Your daddy knows a little bit too. We will try very hard to learn more Spanish and we will help you learn English. We may sound really silly to you though. If you giggle at how silly we sound we won’t be mad. I think it will be fun!
After we visit we will have to come back to America for awhile. I know it will be very hard for us to leave each other but we will visit you again very soon. I will bring you lots of pictures and things so that you will remember us. One day we will bring you to your new home in America forever!
I will tell you about us. You have a little sister. Her name is Kaitlyn and she is 2 years old. She is so excited to have a big sister. She knows your picture! When she sees it she says “big sister!!” I think you will like her a lot and that you will be able to play together.
Your daddy is a wonderful man. He is kind and gentle. He will not scare you and a lot of times he will make you giggle! Daddy loves to play games and have fun. He is so excited that you are his little girl.
I am your mommy. I will stay home with you every day. We will have school together and learn so many things! I love to sing and laugh and dance. I also like to cuddle on the couch and watch a good show. Do you? Oh and I love to give hugs and kisses! I think we will have so much fun together. We will have four people in our family who love each other so much.
You also have two grandmas and two grandpas and 2 uncles and lots of other family who are so excited to meet you. We have a church with many children to play with you.
Your home in America is a wonderful place. You have a room of your very own. It has a big soft bed and the walls are purple. I hope you like that color. If you don’t maybe we can change it. When we visit you can help me choose what the pillows and blanket should look like so that I can make it very special just for you. We live in a pretty neighborhood with big trees and parks to play in.
I wish we could bring you home to America right now but there are many people who have to look at our papers and give us permission. I am working very hard to make it go as fast as I can.
I think of you every day and every night Mirna. I pray that God will hold you until I can. I pray for blessings for the people that love you and care for you while I am far away. I can’t wait till we get to visit you and give you hug. I hope that you are not scared to visit us but it is okay if you are. I know that you will feel many different things right now. You might feel scared or angry or sad. It’s okay to feel all of those things. When you feel that way you can tell us or your foster mommy or pray to God. He will always listen to you.
I talk to God every day about you sweet girl. I tell Him how much I love you and that I miss you already. I pray that you will feel safe and happy. Sometimes I feel so happy because I know that you are my little girl. Sometimes I feel so sad because you are too far away. Whatever I feel I tell God and He helps me feel calmer in my heart. I know He will help you too
I want you to know that I love you with my whole heart Mirna. Your daddy loves you and your sister loves you too. When you feel lonely or afraid you remember that your family loves you and we will come to get you as soon as we can. Then we will always be together. I will pray for you every night and you pray for me every night and it will be like we are praying together.
Please do your best to obey your foster mother and love her! She is such a very special lady and she is caring for you till we can bring you home. I am so grateful that God has given you a safe home and someone to love you.
With lots of hugs,
Here is the letter for her foster mother...
For Mirna’s Foster Mother,
Thank you is all I know to say. You are a gift from God for my little Mirna. I am so grateful for a woman like you who would care for her in such an amazing way. I am a Christian and I pray for you daily. I am praying that God will bless you and your family because I believe what you are doing is so important. These two scriptures are what I believe you are living right now….
Mathew 18:5
And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.
James 1:26-27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
I am forever grateful for you. The kindness and love you show to Mirna in these months will change her forever. You will be an earthly example of God’s love and grace for her.
I believe you have such an important and heartbreaking job. To care for and bond with Mirna knowing you will let her go. It is such an unselfish love and it makes me cry just to think about it. Please know that it is our deepest desire that Mirna keep in contact with all of the people she holds dear. We want you to know how she is doing always.
As I thought about you and your good heart I have been thinking that one day perhaps I will be a foster mother for a child who needs a home in America. Maybe I will care for another child until his/her parents can come in honor of you and what you are doing now for my little girl. I hope that one day I have the courage to do that.
My husband and I will love Mirna and give her a happy and safe home. We want to fill her life with good memories and help ease some of the painful ones that she already has. What a brave little girl you and I have been given to care for.
We will visit Dec 26th-31st and it will be my honor to meet the lady who cares for my little one. I look forward to knowing more about you and your family.
May the Lord Bless You Indeed!
Angel Weir
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