My name is Angel. I'm 34 yrs old. I'm a homeschooling, gluten free, Jesus loving, Disney going, Twilight reading, nose ring wearing, picture taking,world traveling, orphan holding warrior girl of a mom to 4 beautiful children. Each of our children is such a blessing. I can't imagine life without the joy they bring. Of course... never 2 b forgotten...I have an amazing husband (Russ) who I adore w/all of my heart. I would pick him over any man in the world- hands down. Plus he is super hot too. :o) Living an average life doesn't cut it for us. Who knows what wild adventures lie ahead. I guess I have what most people might consider kind of a crazy life. I wouldn't want it any other way. My life is amazing. The ups and downs have taught me so much along the way. I am excited to see where God leads us. It's gonna be GREAT! Join us for the journey... Angel
Praise The Lord! She looks so happy and healthy! You think she's smiling 'cause she got our letter that day?? OK maybe not but I can think that right? YEAH!!! I can't wait to squeeze her!! We're on our way sweet girl!!
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