Monday, October 17, 2005

And Her Name Is!!!

Drum roll please!! I realized I haven't made an official announcement of our little girl's name!
We have decided that we will name her
Krysta Zoe.
Krysta = anointed, divinely chosen
Zoe= life
So her name means Divinely Chosen Life
It is very important to us that her name reminds her everyday that God chose her for us. She is ours even now.
My Dearest Krysta,
I am praying for you every day little one. One day you will know how much I love you. You will know that although I didn't carry you in my body I have been carrying you in my heart for many years. I knew a long time ago that you would be my baby girl and so did God. You are chosen for your daddy, me and your sister Kaitlyn. I am praying for you to be safe and warm and loved. It is hard on my heart not to know where you are but I know that God will hold you until we can.
With All Of My Heart,

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