Friday, October 7, 2005

Time To Myself? How do I handle this?

Kaitlyn went to her Pop and Nonny's house. They drove off yesterday. I will go pick her up Sunday night. Kaitlyn was waving happily and saying, "Bye mommy!!" As they drove off I felt like one of my arms had just gone on vacation. My baby has only been away from me for more than one night two times. Once when my friend Wendi's baby was in the hospital with RSV and I needed to go be with her she was at grandmas 2 nights. This summer I went to Seattle to help my other friend Holly with a new baby while Kaitlyn was at Kamp Polka Dot for 3 nights. Both times were REALLY tough for me but I was busy. This time it was just ME!!! I"M SUPPOSED TO RELAX NOW!!! I KNOW I'M PATHETIC! I used to think it was SO BIZZARE when I would hear women say that they don't know what to do when their kids are gone. Now I can sympathize a bit.
It is starting to grow on me more though. I stayed up until 2:30 am just because I could. Not because Kaitlyn was teething or having bad dreams or stomach flu.... JUST BECAUSE! Then I slept until 10:30!!!! I know. I know. I am wild and unpredictable. WHO KNOWS WHAT I MAY DO TOMMORROW!
So the purpose of this wonderful trip to Pop and Nonny's is potty training. Russ' Aunt Carol has been a preschool teacher for 20 years. She is amazing with Kaitlyn and asked me if I would mind if she potty trained her while she visited. WOULD I MIND????? UH LET ME THINK ABOUT IT. You want to potty train my child and I DON'T have to pay you a million bucks??? Ummmm YES! I would like you to do that. PLEEEEEEASE.... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! So yesterday we went and picked out her favorite panties from the store. She picked Dora, Disney Princess, and Nemo which she declared Shamu Panties! She is OBSESSED with Shamu. She was very excited about all of it.
I recieved a call just a few moments ago that every mother dreams of. At exactly 11:51 am my mother-in-law called me to let me know that Kaitlyn had "gone" in the potty. YEAH!! I could hear Kaitlyn screaming with excitement in the background. Nonny put Kaitlyn on the phone. She said, I DID IT MOMMY!!!!" Then she hung up on me. Aaaahhhhh. The overwhelming joy of having your child potty trained SOMEWHERE ELSE!! Carol and Nonny, if you pull this one off I SO OWE YOU!

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